The school’s newsletter is available via email. It contains important dates, educational issues, stories on the children’s activities and lots of important news and information.
The newsletter will be emailed to families, but does not always contain important attachments. Each family has a pigeon hole located in the foyer where newsletter attachments are placed. Please check this frequently.
Information is also available for families on the uEducateus site that requires your individual login.
Parent Involvement and Participation
At Merrijig we encourage parents to become involved in all aspects of the school and their child’s education. There are many opportunities for parents to join in and express an active interest in their child’s schooling. The nature of our small rural school means parents will become involved in many ways, enhancing our community and the children’s school experience.
Parents are encouraged to share in the school program by:
- Working with teachers in the classroom—speak directly to your child’s teacher about how you can help.
- Assisting with skiing, swimming and other extra curricula programs.
- Helping with excursions
- Working with teachers and the School Council to improve school resources.