As the school does not have facilities to nurse sick children it is important that if you are concerned your child may be unwell that you keep him/her at home. If your child becomes sick at school every effort will be made to contact you.
Instructions for the administration of medicines are to be put in writing by the parents and delivered to the classroom teacher by an adult.
If your child has an Asthma Management Plan or an Anaphylaxis Plan, a copy must be given to the school and updated annually.
Head lice
Parents must check their child’s hair at least once a week for head lice. We give you a reminder in each newsletter—Wednesday night is lice check night!!!
If your child has head lice you must notify the school so other parents can be alerted. When the child’s hair has been treated they may return to school.
Medical Service
The Child and Family Health Program offer all Victorian children a health assessment in their first year at school. The program is delivered by school nurses. It gives parents/guardians, teachers and nurses an opportunity to work together for the well being and educational progress of children. In order to carry out a health assessment, the nurses need to know information that only parents or guardians have about their child.
Prior to the school nurse’s visit, parents will receive a School Entrant Health Questionnaire which will assist them to provide this information. Parents are encouraged to consult the school nurse at the time of her visit to discuss any concerns. All information is confidential. The health assessment is not intended to replace your normal source of health care. School nurses are also available to see children from other grades whose health is causing concern to parents or teachers.